Monday, May 28, 2012

Teamwork and Cooperation Rubric – FOR SCIENCE TEAM ACTIVITY

4 points
3 points
2 points
1 points

Focus on the task

Stays on task all the time without reminders.

Stays on task most of the time. Group members can count on this person.

Stays on task some of the time. Group
members must
remind this
person to do the

Hardly ever stays on task.
Lets others do the work.

Work Habits

Completes assigned all tasks and does not depend on others to do the work.

Completes most assigned tasks.

Does not
follow through
on most tasks
and sometimes
counts on others
to do the work

Does not complete tasks.
Depends on
others to do all
of the work.

Group interaction

Respectfully listens,
discusses, asks questions and helps
direct the group in solving problems or completing the tasks.

Shares useful ideas for discussions.
All information
fits the group’s

Respectfully listens,
discusses and
asks questions.

Usually provides useful information and ideas for discussion.

Has trouble listening with respect, and
takes over discussions
without letting
other people
have a turn. Sometimes does not interact with the group.

provides useful
and ideas for discussion.

Does not listen with
respect, argues
with teammates,
and does not consider other ideas. Blocks
group from Reaching agreement.

Almost never provides useful information or ideas for discussion.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Science Class Performance Rubric

90% +
80% +
70% +
60% +
Less than 60%
Student presents a clear, specific understanding of the topic . All notes, assignments and labs required are completed on time, are extremely well organized and questions are answered accurately. High interest and excitement have lead the student to an investigation that reaches far beyond the requirements. Student has read related materials and has used many sources of information for reports and or experiments. The student has used his/her new knowledge when participating in all oral discussions. Student makes connections between past and present, cause-effect relationships, willingness to change beliefs if necessary, and results in the ability to make a prediction. The students notes, labs, debates and assignments
Student presents a clear, specific understanding of the topic. High interest and excitement leads the student to an investigation that reaches beyond requirements. All notes, assignments and labs required are completed on time, are very well organized and questions are answered accurately. The student has used as more resources than required; and demonstrates new knowledge both orally and in written work and uses this knowledge in his/her assignments and oral participation. New knowledge is evident when student shows connections between past and present or cause-effect relationships. Student notes, labs, debates and assignments are clearly organized, carefully done, and often goes beyond teacher expectations. All tests are beyond the standard level of achievement.
Student meets assignment expectations. The student demonstrates new knowledge learned in oral participation and or written tasks. The work is well organized and complete. The student understood the assignments. He/she used the number of resources required; and organized information in all notes, assignments, debates and labs. All notes, assignments and labs are complete, carefully done and the student meets the requirements and expectations. All tests meet the standard level of achievement.
Student knowledge of the topic is partly understood, but not complete. The assignments, notes and labs are occasionally incomplete and could be organized better . Some resources have been used, but it is not clear what the student understood. Some of the information included by the student was not important to the topic Student does most what is required, but nothing more. Some of the work may not be finished. Tasks are not carefully done and the information from the resources is not used. Test results often fall below the standard level of achievement.
Student use of the topic is not shown. Steps through the process were not followed. Notes, assignments and labs lack neatness, organization, detail and evidence of new knowledge. Work does not meet requirements. Parts are missing. Participation is weak, or student is often not participating. Labs, tests and assignments are poorly done and fall well behind the standard level of achievement. Overall, the student has failed to grasp new concepts covered in the topic.

Rubric for Science Logs and Journal Writing

Rubric for Science Logs and Journal Writing
Area of Product
Daily entries
·         Regular daily entries
·         Entries 90% of the time
·         Entries 80% of the time
·         Entries less than 80% of the time
Use of scientific language
·         Consistent, accurate usage of terms
·         Adequate usage of scientific terms
·         Occasional use with few errors
·         No terms or frequent errors in usage
Application to the real world
·         Able to apply learning
·         Usually finds practical application
·         Occasionally relates to real life skills
·         No practical application
Concept understanding
·         Shows understanding of key concepts
·         Usually demonstrates understanding
·         Inadequately demonstrates understanding
·         Poor understanding of concepts
Clarity of thought
·         Well organized
·         Adequate organization
·         Limited organization
·         Poor organization

Rubric – Conducting a Science Investigation

Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is clear and reasonable based on what has been studied.
Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results is reasonable based on general knowledge of observations
Hypothesized relationship between the variables and the predicted results has been stated, but appears to be based on flawed logic.
No hypothesis has been stated.
Procedures are listed in clear steps. 
Procedures are listed but are not in a logical order or are difficult to follow.
Procedures do not accurately list the steps of the experiment.
No procedures.
All calculations are shown and the results are correct and labeled appropriately.
Some calculations are shown and the results are correct and labeled appropriately
Some calculations are shown and the results are labeled appropriately.
No calculations are shown OR results are inaccurate or mislabeled.
Summary describes the skills learned, the information learned and some future applications to real life situations. 
Summary describes the information learned and a possible application to  real life situation
Summary describes the information learned. 
No summary is written.
Conclusions includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis, possible sources of error, and what was learned from the experiment. 
Conclusion includes whether the findings supported the hypothesis and what was learned from the experiment.
Conclusion includes what was learned from the experiment.
No conclusion was included in the report OR shows little effort and reflection.

Portfolio Evaluation Rubric

Portfolio Evaluation Rubric

Student Name:



Scoring Criteria



Teacher Evaluation

Portfolio Presentation

The student name, year and section, name of  teacher, and the grading period are clearly marked on the outside or cover page of the portfolio


The portfolio is organized from front to back, with the most recent pages at the back (Daily pages and assignments are found together in chronological order)


All assignments, practice problems, exercises, quizzes, chapter or unit tests for the grading period have been complied and are found in the portfolio


All entries in the portfolio are either neatly written in ink or typed and printed


The neatness of the portfolio indicates that the student takes pride in their work and desires to be successful in class. (Examples: all entries are carefully written using the same color pen, no pages are torn or dirty, no “spiral notebook” pages are used, and no pages have drawings or marks unrelated to the assignment.)


Daily Comments

Each day of class is clearly identified with a heading: such as “Learning Insights, Monday – June 20, 2005”


Rubric For Conducting Science Activity

Rubric For Conducting Science Activity


Set-up and Equipment Care


Equipments are accurately placed. All necessary supplies on hand. Very neat and organized

Set-up of equipment is generally accurate with 1 or 2 small details that need refinement. All necessary supplies on hand

Set-up of equipment is generally workable with several details that need refinement. Some necessary supplies must be searched out

Set-up of equipment is not accurate; help is required with several major details. Many necessary supplies must found in the lab set-up

Following Procedure


Demonstrates very good knowledge of the lab procedures. Thoroughly and carefully follows each step before moving on to next step

Demonstrates good knowledge of the lab procedures. Seek help from teacher from time to time. Works to follow each step before moving on to the next step

Demonstrates general knowledge of lab procedures. Requires help from teacher with some steps in procedures

Lacks the appropriate knowledge of the lab procedures. Often requires help from the teacher to even complete basic procedures

Data Collection


Measurements are both
accurate and precise
Observations are very
thorough.  Work is neat and
organized. Includes
appropriate symbols, units
and significant digits

Measurements are mostly accurate Observations are generally complete Work is organized Only 2 or 3 minor errors using symbols, units and significant digits

Measurements are somewhat  inaccurate and very imprecise Observations are incomplete or recorded in a confusing way There are 3 or more minor errors using symbols, units and significant digits or 2 major errors

Measurements are incomplete, inaccurate and imprecise Observations are incomplete or not included Symbols, units and significant figures are not included.


Proper safety precautions are consistently used. Consistently thinks ahead to ensure safety

Proper safety precautions are generally used May need to be reminded once during the lab

Proper safety precautions are often missed. Needs to be reminded more than once during the lab

Proper safety precautions areconsistently missed Needs to be reminded often during the lab.



Consistently uses proper clean-up procedures. Station always left neat and clean
 Proper clean-up procedures
generally used May need some help on occasion to complete tasks Station generally left clean

Needs to be reminded more than once during the lab to use proper clean-up procedures 1 or 2 items left at station or not cleaned

Proper clean-up procedures are seldom used Often requires help to complete clean-up 3 or more items left at station or station not cleaned

Resource: by Owen Pena @