Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Science Class Performance Rubric

90% +
80% +
70% +
60% +
Less than 60%
Student presents a clear, specific understanding of the topic . All notes, assignments and labs required are completed on time, are extremely well organized and questions are answered accurately. High interest and excitement have lead the student to an investigation that reaches far beyond the requirements. Student has read related materials and has used many sources of information for reports and or experiments. The student has used his/her new knowledge when participating in all oral discussions. Student makes connections between past and present, cause-effect relationships, willingness to change beliefs if necessary, and results in the ability to make a prediction. The students notes, labs, debates and assignments
Student presents a clear, specific understanding of the topic. High interest and excitement leads the student to an investigation that reaches beyond requirements. All notes, assignments and labs required are completed on time, are very well organized and questions are answered accurately. The student has used as more resources than required; and demonstrates new knowledge both orally and in written work and uses this knowledge in his/her assignments and oral participation. New knowledge is evident when student shows connections between past and present or cause-effect relationships. Student notes, labs, debates and assignments are clearly organized, carefully done, and often goes beyond teacher expectations. All tests are beyond the standard level of achievement.
Student meets assignment expectations. The student demonstrates new knowledge learned in oral participation and or written tasks. The work is well organized and complete. The student understood the assignments. He/she used the number of resources required; and organized information in all notes, assignments, debates and labs. All notes, assignments and labs are complete, carefully done and the student meets the requirements and expectations. All tests meet the standard level of achievement.
Student knowledge of the topic is partly understood, but not complete. The assignments, notes and labs are occasionally incomplete and could be organized better . Some resources have been used, but it is not clear what the student understood. Some of the information included by the student was not important to the topic Student does most what is required, but nothing more. Some of the work may not be finished. Tasks are not carefully done and the information from the resources is not used. Test results often fall below the standard level of achievement.
Student use of the topic is not shown. Steps through the process were not followed. Notes, assignments and labs lack neatness, organization, detail and evidence of new knowledge. Work does not meet requirements. Parts are missing. Participation is weak, or student is often not participating. Labs, tests and assignments are poorly done and fall well behind the standard level of achievement. Overall, the student has failed to grasp new concepts covered in the topic.

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