Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daily Science Class Participation Rubric

Daily Science Class Participation Rubric
5  - Exemplary
4  - Strong
3 - Capable
2 - Developing
1 – Limited
·         Well prepared for each class, attempts to answer teacher generated questions and adds outside information to the class when relevant.

·         Makes excellent use of class time to work on seatwork, activities, assignments, laboratory works  and projects.
·         Prepared for class, attempts to answer teacher generated questions

·         Good use of class time to work on seatwork, activities, assignments, laboratory works and projects
·         Occasionally not prepared for class (no pen or pencil, notes etc.)

·         Often listens but doesn't volunteer information.

·         Often accomplish classroom task such as seatwork, activities, assignments, laboratory works and projects
·         Often not prepared for class, listens with blank expression or doesn't pay attention.

·         Gives up easily, is not engaged, difficulty remaining on task

·         Sometimes interrupts class discussion by engaging in irrelevant conversation.
·         Rarely prepared, no pens, pencils, paper notes and other materials, no significant work done, minimal or no effort to participate

·         Often absent in class.

·         Creates interruptions, does not remain on task.

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